Publication Support
The Academic library of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice is a member of the CzechELib consortium. The CzechELib National Centre ensures the purchase of key electronic resources for the entire research and education community in the Czech Republic, takes care of their management, including usage statistics, and supports open access publishing. The National Centre is part of the National Library of Technology and its establishment was supported by the European Operational Programme Research, Development, Education.
The Centre primarily provides its members with following:
- Support in the use of publishing contracts (Open Access agenda).
- Choice of electronic information resources (EIR) for central support.
- EIR supplier tenders.
- EIZ contract negotiations and purchase.
- Support to member institutions in accessing and using the EIRs purchased.
- Support to member institutions in processing of bibliometric analyses.
- Management of statistics on resource utilisation.
For more information visit the CzechElib web page.
As a CzechElib member we have arranged a discount or complete waiver of fees for open access publishing with several publishers. This is applicable only to the corresponding authors affiliated with the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
The APC (Article Processing Charge) for publishing is covered by the Academic library through a so-called token system.
Academic library tokens covering APC’s at the publishing houses in 2024.
Current status as of 20 May 2024 - please note that the figures are indikative only and may change between updates!
Springer: there are NO tokens available
Taylor & Francis: NO tokens available
Wiley: 12 tokens available
Oxford University Press: unlimited number of tokens available
Hints for the authors: How to publish Open Access
Before you publish please check:
- Your institution is a part of the transformation contract with the publisher (you can check it HERE)
- You are the corresponding author (please use your institution e-mail address as a different one could be a problem at some publishers)
- The journal is from the list of eligible journals (HERE is a link to download the list in .xlsx format)
- The paper type and the acceptance date are correct
- Your institution has a free token to cover the publication expenses (APC’s)
Publisher: Oxford University Press
The largest university publisher in the world and the second oldest (after Cambridge University Press) founded in 1586. It is affiliated to the University of Oxford and it has published mainly scholarly works, musical scores and textbooks for the last 400 years. In addition, OUP is the primary editor of the Oxford English Dictionary. The current CzechElib contract is valid until December 31, 2025. The number of tokens for APC coverage is unlimited.
Following types of papers can be published: Research Article, Review Article, Brief Report, Case Report.
All full Open Access journals and hybrid journals are eligible, except for following journals that are NOT ELIGIBLE:
- Astronomy & Geophysics
- Children & Schools
- Critical Values
- European Heart Journal Supplements
- Health and Social Work
- Holocaust And Genocide Studies
- Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
- Itnow
- JNCI Monographs
- Journal of American History
- Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
- Journal Of The ICRU
- Music Theory Spectrum
- OAH Magazine of History
- Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
- Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases
- Shakespeare Quarterly
- Social Work
- Social Work Research
- The American Historical Review
- The Library¨
- The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory
- The Year’s Work in English Studies
- Translational Animal Science
- Western Historical Quarterly
The author should manage the publication process through the journal web page. The corresponding author should use his/her institutional e-mail address (
After the request, the Open Access administrator (Academic Library) has 7 days to approve or deny the request. Due to the unlimited usage, only other circumstances - e.g. the author is no longer a member of an eligible institution - can be a reason for refusal.
Warning: if an OA request is rejected by the institutional administrator, the author is required to pay the publication fee (APC).
Publisher: Wiley
The American publishing house has been in the business since 1807 with focus on academic publishing and educational materials. The current CzechElib contract is valid until December 31, 2026. The number of tokens for our university is limited (25 a year) so it is “first come first served”. Before you submit your paper, it is recommended to ask Academic Library if the APC’s can be covered with a token.
It is possible to publish for free in subscription only journals.
It is possible to publish Open Access in hybrid journals, the list can be found HERE. Following types are suitable for publishing: Research Article, Review Article, Commentary, Case Study, Data Article, Education, Lecture, Method and Protocol, Perspective, Practice and Policy, Rapid Publication, Short Communication, Technical Note.
A detailed “how to” has been prepared by Wiley HERE.
If the publishing house accepts the article for publication, the author is invited to edit the article in Author Services system. First he/she fills the form and special attention must be paid to the right responsible author (Responsible Corresponding Author) – there can be just one, he/she is responsible for signing the publishing agreement, and his/her affiliation will be used to determine eligibility to use the token. If the authors have multiple affiliations, they must indicate which affiliation they wish to use for APC payment.
The administrator (Academic Library) is automatically notified of the request. When the author's affiliation is correct and the tokens for the relevant period are available the publication is approved.
If the administrator rejects the request, the publisher will contact the author and offer him/her the option of publishing traditionally (free for the author, the article will be placed behind a paywall). Alternatively, if the author pays the APC directly, the article can be published in Open Access mode.
A Wiley how-to-publish video can be found HERE.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
A British publisher with a tradition since 1798, it is dedicated to publishing the highest quality scientific research. The current CzechElib contract is valid until December 31, 2025. The number of tokens for our university is limited (just 3 a year) so it is “first come first served”. Again, before you submit your paper, it is recommended to ask Academic Library if the APC’s can be covered with a token.
All hybrid journals are eligible for Open Access publishing – a complete list can be found at THIS PAGE.
These article formats are allowed: Article, Review, Research Article, Review Article, Report, Short Communication, Original Article.
At the submission portal the author fills initial information and uploads his/her text. It is highly recommended to use a university e-mail address. The administrator (Academic Library) is informed and after the author’s affiliation is checked the token is used (if available as the number is strictly limited).
The Publisher then communicates with the author(s) through e-mails: request to complete an author agreement (APA), confirmation of metadata and authorship accuracy, and a license selection. The article is then published.
Step-by-step instructions can be found at CzechElib web page HERE.
Publisher: Springer Nature
Springer is a part of the German-British house Springer Nature and since 2015 has been one of the world's leading publishers in natural science. The current CzechElib contract is valid until December 31, 2025.
The number of tokens for our university is limited (14 a year) so it is “first come first served”. Again, before you submit your paper, it is recommended to ask Academic Library if the APC’s can be covered with a token.
Authors from CzechElib member institutions are allowed to publish in Open Access mode in hybrid journals (CAUTION! Not in journals published by BioMed Central, Springer Open, Scientific Reports, and Nature Communications).
It is possible to submit following articles: Original Paper (also called Research Article), Review Article, Brief Communication, Continuing Education.
Detailed tutorial on how to publish in Open Access mode can be found HERE.
At the Publisher’s WEB PAGE the author fills the initial information and submits his/her text. After the article is accepted, the author is asked to sign a publication agreement. Springer checks the author’s affiliation (University of South Bohemia) by the institutional email domain in the contact, by the affiliation chosen by the author (this is the most important parameter) and by the IP address from which he/she fills out the contract.
As long as the author's affiliation is verified, the article type eligible, and the journal is in the list of eligible titles, then the author is presented with information about the transformation agreement and can decide whether to continue publishing in Open Access mode and submit the article for approval. The author must then sign a License to Publish. Once the article has been approved by the administrator (Academic Library) for covering the APC with a token, the article is published in OA mode.
If the article is rejected by the administrator, the author has the option to pay the publication fee himself or choose to publish the article in the classic mode (the article will be behind a paywall).
A Springer how-to-publish video can be found HERE.